Happy birthday to me. . .Hppy birthday to me. . .Hppy birthday to ANEY. . .Hppy birthday to me. . .
Today is ma bornday. . .akhir'y hari yg aq nnt2 smpai juak. . . Hppy sgt2 ari nie. . . pagi tdi aq bngun smangat giler woo. . .HAHAHA. . Dri smlm lg x sabar mow taw spa yg wish aq first skli. . . HIHI. . x sng dduk aq d buat'y. . .n the person is ma lovely tcher Pn. Ramlah Mat Rahim. . . Makaseh bnyak2 cegu. . .aq x expect lngsung cegu aq ble ingat befday aq . . . thanx again cegu. . .
Urmm. , ,skg umo aq genap 17 taun. . . harap2 aq akan jd lbih baik dri sbelumnya. . . . dan aq b'harap dpt mneruskan cita2 q utk m'gapai bintang d langit. . .
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